TOSER Novotroitsk

Territory where
business begins

Черно-белое изображение города Цветное изображение города Изображение города для мобильного
Изображение земли для мобильного
Изображение земли для мобильного
Изображение земли для мобильного

Start business

Fill out an application

By clicking on the “Send” button you consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”

Tax rates

Tax rates


6% Pension Fund

0.1% Medical fund

1.5% Social fund

Without TOSER 30%

Land tax

Налог на землю

0% first 10 years

Without TOSER 1.5%

Income tax

Налог на прибыль

0% first 5 years

10% from 6 to 10 year

Without TOSER 20%

Property tax

Налог на имущество

0% first 5 years

1,1% from 6 to 10 year

Without TOSER 2.2%

Industrial infrastructure

14 Greenfield sites, 7 Brownfield sites

Изображение на внутренней вкладке
  1. Electric power

    maximum installed power (or peak load): up to 20 MW

    tariff type: two-part (day Night)

    reliability category: in the second category

    voltage level: 220, 380 V

    rate: from 2.1 rub kWh

    the ability to connect to existing networks: THERE IS


    Energosbyt Plus OJSC

    Novotroitsk, st. Soviet, 60 / School, 2

    tel .: +7 (3537) 65-68-01

    Mon-Fri 8: 00-19: 00; Sat 9: 00-16: 00

  2. Thermal energy

    power: 25 Gcal / day

    rate: from 1600 rub / gcal

    the ability to connect to existing networks: THERE IS


    LLC "Energoresurs"


  3. Water supply

    domestic water tariff: from 16.74 rubles / m3

    utility water tariff: from 7.42 rubles / m3

    the ability to connect to existing networks: THERE IS


    LLC Management of public utilities

    Novotroitsk, st. Sovetskaya, d.102a

    tel .: +7 (3537) 67-53-03

    Mon-Fri 8: 00-17: 00

  4. Water disposal


    household drains: 1,000 m3 / day

    technical drains: 3 000 m3 / day

    tariff household drains: from 16.1 rub / m3

    tariff technical drains: from 18.2 rub / m3

    the ability to connect to existing networks: THERE IS


    LLC "KOS"


  5. Gas

    power: 150 thousand m3 /year

    peak loads: 25 m3 / hour

    rate: from 5.05 rub / m3

    the ability to connect to existing networks: THERE IS


    LLC Gazprom Mezhregiongaz  subscriber station in Novotroitsk

    Novotroitsk, st. Soviet, 113

    tel.:+7 (3537) 68-40-28

    Mon-Fri 8: 30-17: 30


    AO Gazprom gas distribution Orenburg,

    branch in the city of Gay, IES Novotroitskorgaz


    Novotroitsk, st. Railway, 17

    tel .: +7 (3537) 67-50-08

    Mon-Thu from 8:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. from 8:30 a.m. 16:30

Business infrastructure

Изображение на внутренней вкладке
  1. Administration

    Administration of the municipality Novotroitsk

    462359, Orenburg region, Novotroitsk, st. Soviet, 80

    tel. 8 (3537) 62-01-01

  2. Consulting support

    OJSC "Corporation for the Development of the Orenburg Region"

    460006, Orenburg, st. Zwillinga, 14/1, 2nd floor. tel. (3532) 44-24-55

    Export Support Center

    460006, Orenburg, st. Zwillinga, 14/1, 2nd floor. tel. (3532) 44-07-92, 44-07-93

    State budgetary institution "Orenburg Regional Business Incubator"

    460352, Orenburg region Orenburg, Sharlyk highway, 5. Tel. (3532) 38-83-33.

    Center of competencies in the field of agricultural cooperation and support for farmers of the Orenburg region

    460001, Orenburg region Orenburg, st. Donetsk, 4. Tel. (3532) 99-89-40

    Center for Entrepreneurship Support of the Orenburg Region

    460000, Orenburg region Orenburg, per. Svobodina, 4, 3rd floor, tel .: 88002001445.

    Non-profit organization “Guarantee Fund for small and medium-sized enterprises of the Orenburg region (microcredit company)”

    460000, Orenburg region Orenburg, per. Svobodina, house 4, 4th floor, tel.: 8 (3532) 77-35-00, 77-00-45. www.gfoo.rf;

    NMKK “Orenburg Regional Fund for Small Business Support”

    460001, Orenburg region Orenburg, st. Donetsk, 4. Tel. (3532) 99-96-81, 47-50-67, 68-53-33.

    Union "Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Orenburg Region"

    460000, Orenburg, per. Svobodina, 4. Tel .: (3532)

    Orenburg Regional Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers)

    460000, Orenburg, per. Svobodina, 4, offices 217-222 tel. :( 3532) 77-80-10, 77-31-07 fax: (3532) 77-90-43

    State Autonomous Institution of the Orenburg Region “Orenburg Regional Multifunctional Center for the Provision of State and Municipal Services” (GAU “MFC”)

    Orenburg city, Sharlykskoye Shosse, d. 1/2, Armada shopping and entertainment complex (entrance through gallery No. 1 and No. 2) tel. (3532) 68-33-24, (3532) 48-04-80

Transport infrastructure

Инвестиционная карта
Большая карта
Availability of export to Kazakhstan
Access to highways and major Russian cities
404 km to Orenburg

Success stories

LLC Novotroitsk Soda Plant

Koshkin Evgeny Aleksandrovich
Under implementation
Chemical industry

March 15, 2018 the beginning of the implementation of the investment project for the production of soda and gypsum. November 21, 2019 Governor of the Orenburg Region Pasler D.V. and general director of the Monotown Development Fund I. Makieva took part in the launch of the first furnace line. Reaching the design capacity is scheduled for July 2020. The plant, designed for more than 260 thousand tons of products per year, will produce soda ash, building gypsum and lump lime. In the future, on the basis of the plant, it is planned to organize the production of dry construction mixtures based on lime components. One of the main advantages of the new enterprise is non-waste production. An invaluable contribution to the construction of the plant was made by the Monotown Support Fund, which issued an interest-free loan in the amount of 1 billion rubles. Also, at the expense of the monotown development fund, in 2019, a road to the plant was built, the cost of which amounted to 54 million rubles. According to the Governor D.V. Pasler Novotroitsk Soda Plant is an example of how the task of promoting business is solved with the direct participation of the Monotown Development Fund and the regional government.


Volume of investments in the project: 3,066 (plan) / 2,413 (fact) million rubles.
Creation of new jobs: 250 (plan) / 86 (fact) jobs.

LLC Orenburg Proppant

Labzarev Vladimir Nikolaevich
Under implementation
Chemical industry

An investment project for the production of proppants has been implemented in TOSER Novotroitsk since November 2017 and in December 2019 already reached its design capacity of 600 thousand tons of products per year. The circle of proppant consumers is made up of large oil and gas producing and oilfield service companies.
Ceramic proppant is used as a proppant in oil and gas production by hydraulic fracturing. The essence of this method is to inject liquid under high pressure into the bottomhole zone, as a result of which cracks are formed in the rock, which are maintained in the open state when the pressure in the well is reduced by injecting ceramic proppant with them, which is a granular fine-grained ceramic powder .


The volume of investment in the project: 1,334 (plan) / 1204 (fact) million rubles.
Created 324 new jobs.

LLC Novotroitsk magnesia company.

Barsukov Andrei Petrovich
Under implementation
Metallurgical industry

On July 11, 2019, an agreement was signed on the implementation of the project “Establishment of the production of magnesian refractories” on the territory of the Novotroitsk TOSER.
The project provides for the production of unformed magnesia refractories: periclase refractories, forsterite and, subsequently, periclase-forsterite refractories. The raw materials for the production of refractories are amorphous magnesite and serpentinite, which are mined in the Khalilovskoye field, located near the city of Novotroitsk. Reaching the design capacity is planned for the 4th quarter of 2020, the volume of products will be 6000 tons per year. Magnesian unformed refractories are in demand by the enterprises of the metallurgical industry, both in Russia and abroad. The use of a plasma installation for the production of refractory powder is characterized by high environmental friendliness. Production technology assumes an actual absence of emissions.


Volume of investments in the project: 34.7 (plan) / 0 (fact) million rubles.
Creation of new jobs: 20 (plan) / 1 (fact) of new jobs.

LLC Novotroitsk Metallurgical Company

Kolyuchev Marat Murshitovich
Under implementation
Metallurgical industry

On October 16, 2019, LLC Novotroitsk Metallurgical Company was registered as a resident of TOSER Novotroitsk with an investment project to organize the production of ferroalloy products with a total capacity of 1,155 tons per year. The company plans to organize the production of high-carbon ferrochrome, ferroaluminium and other types of ferroalloys for enterprises of the metallurgical industry both in Russia and the near abroad. In 2020, work will be done on the design, procurement and installation of furnace units, smelting complexes and other equipment, production will begin. It is planned to reach its design capacity in 2022.


Volume of investments in the project: 20.6 (plan) / 0.4 (fact) million rubles.
Creation of new jobs: 21 (plan) / 1 (fact) a new job.

LLC Fish Farm

Loskutov Artem Olegovich
Under implementation
Fish farming

On August 22, 2019, an agreement was signed on the implementation of the Fish Farm investment project on the territory of the Novotroitsk TOSER. The project provides for the cultivation of freshwater fish and crustaceans in an installation with a closed cycle of water supply. Reaching the design capacity is planned in the 4th quarter of 2020. According to the results of the project, consumers will receive 50 tons of trout, 25 tons of sturgeon, 3 tons of crayfish and 500 kg per year. caviar.
Currently, the project initiators, together with the Monotown Development Fund and the government of the Orenburg Region, are determined with the volumes and terms of financial support for the project. The administration of the city of Novotroitsk, with the support of the government of the Orenburg region, is resolving issues of providing the new enterprise with energy resources.

Investment in the project: 203 (plan) / 0 (fact) million rubles.
Creation of new jobs: 21 (plan) / 1 (fact) a new job.



In TOSER (thousand rubles)
Without TOSER (thousand rubles)


Единое окно для Резидента - Агентство инвестиционного развития

Investor steps
Filing an application

Filing an application with the Ministry of Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade.

Download application

Duration: 1 day
Application review and decision making

The Ministry of Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade considers the Application, prepares an opinion and sends a copy to the supervising public authorities.

The application review committee reviews the investment project, gives a conclusion and sends a notification to the applicant about the decision made

Duration: 31 day
Signature of the Agreement

Signing of the Agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade

Duration: 5 days
Entry of priority development territories into the register of residents

Entry into the register of residents of territories of priority development within 3 (three) business days from the date of conclusion of the Agreement.

Duration: 3 days
A legal entity is recognized as a resident of the territory of priority development from the date of entry in the Register by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation


  • Агентство инвестиционного развития
    Phone: 8 (3532) 32-50-55
    Mailing address: г. Оренбург ул. Советская, 27
    The actual address: г. Оренбург ул. Советская, 27
  • Administration of the municipality Novotroitsk
    Phone: 8 (3537) 62-01-01
    Phone: 8 (922) 824-88-72
    Mailing address: 462359, Orenburg region, Novotroitsk, st. Soviet, 80
    The actual address: 462359, Orenburg region, Novotroitsk, st. Soviet, 80

Start business

Fill out an application

By clicking on the “Send” button you consent to the processing of your personal data in accordance with Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”